Home > Artworks > Angelina Hernández Andaur

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Angelina Hernandez,born in Chile, begins her journey as an artist, a child. She sees and views the world as a palette.
She studies in "La escuela de Bellas Artes de Vina Del Mar", Chile, where she closes in on realism using the human body and nature to express feeling through her paintings. She also attends the "Centro Cultural de Valparaiso" which helps her to realize a better representation of nature and everyday life....

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31.50 x 49.21 in
59.84 x 40.16 in
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Angelina Hernandez,born in Chile, begins her journey as an artist, a child. She sees and views the world as a palette.
She studies in "La escuela de Bellas Artes de Vina Del Mar", Chile, where she closes in on realism using the human body and nature to express feeling through her paintings. She also attends the "Centro Cultural de Valparaiso" which helps her to realize a better representation of nature and everyday life.
With that knowledge she has the opportunity to become part of the group of painters in Valparaiso known as the "Patrimonia de la Humanidad" which allows her to participate in shows, workshops and competitions.
Looking to unite classic with modern she advances in her classes in "Faculdad de Arte" at the Universidad Catolica in Santigo, the capital of Chile. Although her form doesn't perfect until she ultimatly studies at the "Escuela de Arte"; an academy that specializes in ancient technics like "Verdacho","Temple", and "Veneciana." There she is able to adhere to the tools of precision, and grasp form, color, and penciling so that her art begins to take flight.
At this point Angelina is cultured. She desires to interpret reality as an eternal moment. She travels through many cultures and many a race finding beauty in simple yet profound glances.
She now resides here in Houston and cordially invites all to look, feel and taste the beauty of a divine creation in these simple paintings.

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